Für Elise - Beethoven on Guitar ( Now on iTunes )

arek renegade
arek renegade
  • Zgłoś

MP3 : http://www.laizmusic.com/mp3-download.php

Backing track :http://www.laizmusic.com/Backing-tracks.php

Tabs by deaktee : http://www.guitartabmaker.com/2013/11/beethoven-fur-elise-tab-guitar-cover-by.html

Head over to check deaktee's works here https://www.youtube.com/user/deaktee

Thank you all for your support.

****** THE SHIRT ******

I know most of dislike came from my shirt, but please know this :)

I'm totally not a political person, it just goes against my love for music, I was shopping for a shirt that would have red and black colors to use with a video effect that turns everything to black&white except RED. and I found this shirt then bought it.
You'll notice that my purple guitar looks grey because of the effects and the red color on my shirt still stay red.


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Dodano: 25-07-2015 17:17 (0 głosów) 0.0

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