The light in Norway

Agata Dymna
Agata Dymna
  • Zgłoś
This time-lapse was made from 20th February to 26th February and 1st May to 15th May in Lofoten in Norway. Besides, hyper-lapse on the ship was taken in Geirangerfjord. Furthermore, this film also combined with Northern light which was taken in Trondheim in the middle of March.
The light which is the most beautiful in Lofoten from 1st May to 20th May called “Arctic light” from local people. At this period lots of photographer come here to take fantastic photos because the sunset and sunrise are connected in one awesome scene of color and light lasting for more than 8 hours. The sun almost goes below the horizon before coming up again. At the Beginning and from 01:55 you can see a single scene from day to night and night to day which last for more than 8 hours from 21:00 to 06:00.
It is a difficult trip for me in Lofoten. Without car, I traveled with tripod, camera, tent, sleeping bag, food and lots of reusable batteries by my feet from Å to Leknes. You can’t image how hard is it with lots of equipment for more than 15KG and low temperature around 0 degrees. Nevertheless, I overcome it and complete my first time-lapse film.
Furthermore, I also took the Aurora at Lian in Trondheim. That was a fantastic memory for me because all the sky filled with green, purple, and even red Aurora. Doubtless, I was so lucky to meet this show because 2013 is the year that the sun active more than normal and this circumstance will cause Aurora Storm on the sky.
Finally, I ask my friend Jessie Chang to compose and perform the song which is also her first attempt about this kind of category for this film. Thanks you so much for the help.
Photography Jack Chen (Ding-Yuan, Chen)
Music Jessie Chang (Ching-Shan,Chang)
這部縮時影片拍攝時間是在02/20~02/26和05/01~05/15的Lofoten. hyperlapse的部分是在蓋倫格峽灣. 極光的部分是在三月中的Trondheim.
Lofoten當地人說在05/01~05/20這段時間會有全世界最美的光線, 因為日落和日處會接在一起換句話說就是太陽到地平面附近就準備要日出了, 這種現象會造成當地人俗稱的北極光, 因為整片天空會持續8小時以上的日落+晚霞+日出一片通紅的美麗景象
這趟Lofoten的拍攝行程是非常困難的因為無駕照我必須徒步揹著帳篷睡袋食物電池相機腳架等裝備前進從Å 到Leknes單程63公里而且是在零度左右的低溫. 最後我還是咬牙克服了, 就只是為了完成這部應片.
此外, 我在Trondheim也非常幸運地拍攝到今年最強的極光風暴因為2013是太陽活動極大期所以產生的極光會非常耀眼有綠色紫色紅色
最後我要謝謝非常有才華的朋友Jessie Chang, 因為有妳動人的音樂創作才造就了這部作品的完成, 非常謝謝妳.
攝影Jack Chen (Ding-Yuan, Chen)
音樂Jessie Chang (Ching-Shan,Chang)
Kategoria: Natura
Pokaż więcej Ukryj
Dodano: 29-04-2016 10:59 (3 głosy) 5.0

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